Ilminster Classic
Vehicle Show
Sunday 8th June 2025
10am to 4pm
Based on the Recreation Ground, close to the centre of this delightful Somerset town, the Ilminster Experience Classic Vehicle Show is one of the biggest attractions of the town’s annual Midsummer Festival. With over 300 vehicles and motorcycles, plus food stalls and musical entertainment it's a great event to be part of.
There’s no need to pre-book and entry is free (although we ask for a suggested minimum donation of £3 per car to help cover the costs) and all classic cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles and tractors are welcome. For further details go to www.ilminsterexperience.co.uk.
IVCVC will have a reserved area for up to 25 members’ cars to help make the show one of the social gatherings of the summer.
Ilminster Classic Vehicle Show is generously supported by AM Cars of Station Road, Ilminster.